May 1, 2023Why grad students and postdocs staged a "walkout" today (All in a Day with Alan Neal - CBC Radio)We speak to Support Our Science head Sarah Laframboise about the call to increase federal funding for scholarshops, fellowships and research grants"All in a Day with Alan Neal" interview on May 1st, 2023 on CBC RadioLink to interview
We speak to Support Our Science head Sarah Laframboise about the call to increase federal funding for scholarshops, fellowships and research grants"All in a Day with Alan Neal" interview on May 1st, 2023 on CBC RadioLink to interview
SOS Executive Director Kaitlin Kharas: "Support Our Science is thrilled with Budget 2024’s significant new investments for graduate students and postdoctoral scholars. "
What a Way to Make a Livin! Graduate Students Are Barely Gettin’ By (The Link)Graduate Students Across Montreal Demand Better Wages At May Day Protest Article by Abby Cole on May 9 2023 in The Link Link to article