April 18, 2024 Toronto, ON - Support Our Science Executive Director Kaitlin Kharas remarks from Budget 2024 Press Conference: "Support Our Science is a grassroots movement advocating for the 300,000 graduate students and postdoctoral scholars in Canada. Over the past several years, 1000s of Canadians have come together from coast to coast to make their voices heard and advocate for the importance of investing in next-generation researchers.
Support Our Science is thrilled with Budget 2024’s significant new investments for graduate students and postdoctoral scholars. These talented individuals drive much of Canada’s research, discovery, and innovation. By increasing both the number and value of federally funded awards, as well as investing in the faculty grants through which most graduate students and postdoctoral scholars are paid, Budget 2024 will enable these essential researchers to better meet their financial needs.
This enhanced support will ensure the next generation of Canadian scientists, innovators and entrepreneurs can focus on their research and the essential work of creating solutions to society’s largest challenges. Importantly, it will also make the scientific ecosystem more diverse and inclusive by reducing the financial barriers to pursuing research training.
Support Our Science sincerely thanks the students and postdoctoral scholars who volunteered their time and shared their stories, as well as the professors, staff, and members of the public who advocated with us on this important issue.
We also thank the many policymakers from all parties who sponsored petitions, worked on the Science and Research committee, and advocated for students to the government.
And of course, we are grateful to you, Deputy Prime Minister Freeland, along with Prime Minister Trudeau and your colleagues Minister Champagne and Minister Holland for hearing us and taking decisive action.
We look forward to continuing to work with government decision-makers to strengthen Canada’s research ecosystem and ensure our country is an international leader in developing and attracting talent. But make no mistake, by ensuring graduate students and postdoctoral scholars are supported, Budget 2024 has ushered in a new era of Canadian research excellence."